Thursday, 29 February 2024

EPM GROOVY – Get EPBCS connection details using Groovy


Unraveling the EPBCS Password Mystery: A Groovy Breakthrough!

Inspired by the legendary exploits of "Raja Stalvin" I embarked on my own quest to retrieve the password from an EPBCS connection. Armed with determination, I began by employing a "Named connection." However, my progress came to an abrupt halt as I encountered a lock. It dawned on me that the lock wasn't associated with the Connection Class but rather with the sneaky HttpRequest Class.

No validation errors, yet no success. It was like chasing a shadow! Then, it dawned on me – the getPassword() function was playing hardball, hiding behind its "protected" status. Groovy, my trusty ally, came to the rescue!

After a bit of Groovy magic, I cracked the code! Behold, the snippet that turned the tide:

And there you have it – a simple adjustment that turned frustration into triumph. With Groovy by my side, no password is out of reach!😀

EPM GROOVY – EPBCS Deleting Level Zero Members Based on Data Storage Property Across Multiple Hierarchies

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